Business, Tax Preparation, Individual Tax Preparation, Tax Planning, IRS Tax Problems and more…
Hiring The Atlanta CPA Group LLC to prepare your tax return will give you the peace of mind you desire. Our tax preparation service gives an extensive review of your financial transactions to get you the best tax results. We welcome your questions and aim to educate our clients with
a little more financial knowledge after each engagement. We go beyond basic tax preparation and guarantee accuracy, personal attention and integrity. Contact us to schedule a free consultation to see what you have been missing.
- Form 1040 Individual Tax Preparation
- 1040SR Tax Preparation for Seniors
- 1040NR Tax Preparation for Non-Residents
- Schedule A Itemized Deductions
- Schedule C Profit or Loss from Business
- Schedule E Rental Real Estate
- Schedule D Capital Gain or Loss due to Sale of Stock or Home
- Form 1165 Partnership Tax Preparation
- Form 1120 Corporation Tax Preparation
- Form 1120 S-Corporation Tax Preparation
Proper tax planning with us has saved our clients thousands of dollars. We apply strategies that are proven to save and minimize the impact on financial transactions like paying for college, retirement, health care cost or real estate transactions to name a few. We often identify eligible clients during tax preparation engagement and present an opportunity to return for a thorough analysis. Best of all, when you seek a CPA for tax planning you pay a flat fee and receive unbiased tax planning because we are not basing our advice on a commission like many financial advisors.
Our goal is to help you reduce or possibly eliminate your tax problems. We begin with listening and presenting a realistic plan of action to get you back on track. Our IRS payment plans have a 100% acceptance rate to date. If you owe the IRS and are unable to pay, you may qualify for an offer in compromise.
Call us today at 678-235-4060 or schedule appointment to discuss your individual and business tax preparation needs with an experienced Atlanta CPA.