Need help figuring out where your state tax refund has gotten off to? The Atlanta CPA Group LLC has you covered. Here’s a list of every state with the relevant website link, email address, and/or phone number to track your refund—followed by a list of FAQs about state income tax and state tax refunds.
*We are happy to offer our service to clients in all states, with the exception of Pennsylvania.
Income tax in different states
What is state income tax?
State income tax is the tax you pay to your state, rather than to the federal government. These are due every year on the same date as your federal return, which is usually on or around April 15.
Which states don’t have income tax?
States that don’t charge a tax include:
- Alaska
- Florida
- Nevada
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Washington
- Wyoming
New Hampshire only charges a tax on interest and dividend income, though this will be phased out by 2027. Washington only charges a tax on capital gains that exceed $250,000.
Which states charge the highest and lowest property taxes?
New Jersey has the highest property tax, while Alabama has the lowest.
Which states don’t tax retirement income?
States that don’t tax retirement income include:
- Alaska
- Florida
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- Pennsylvania
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Washington
- Wyoming
Which states charge inheritance tax?
States that have an inheritance tax include:
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
Iowa will have phased out its inheritance tax by 2025.
Which states don’t charge a sales tax?
States that don’t have a sales tax include:
- Alaska
- Delaware
- Montana
- New Hampshire
- Oregon
How to file state taxes
Do I have to file state taxes?
Unless you live in a state without income tax, or don’t make enough to pay taxes, you must file state taxes. Check your specific state’s requirements to find out.
How do I file my state tax return?
You can file electronically with a tax software or print out and mail in your tax return.
Getting your state tax refund
What’s my state tax refund?
This is how much you get back after filing your taxes. You can estimate your state tax refund by following these steps:
- Find out how much money your employer took from your wages for state taxes (using your W-2s)
- Locate your tax bracket
- Subtract the amount of your state tax bracket from how much you paid
Can I get my refund via direct deposit?
Yes, you can. Simply e-file and choose the direct deposit option for your refund.
When will I get my refund?
When you get your refund depends on how you filed. E-filing will generally get you your refund sooner. It also depends on whether or not you submitted a complete, accurate tax return.
How can I check my refund status?
If you filed electronically, you can check your refund state online or by calling.
If you mailed your return, you may be able to call or email your state taxation department.
Why didn’t I get a refund?
You may not have gotten a state tax refund because:
- There was a mistake on your return
- You owe money for previous tax years
- You were scammed
Call your state taxation department if you think there’s been a problem.
Why is my refund less that what I expected?
If your refund is less than you were expecting after filing your taxes, that may be because the state tax office found a problem with your return and recalculated your refund amount. It might also be because you owe taxes that were never paid, student loans, alimony, child support, or other debts.
Does my state refund come with my federal refund?
No, your state and federal refunds are two different things and will come separately.
Garnishments on your state tax refund
What is a state tax garnishment or lien?
If you don’t pay the taxes you owe, your state or the IRS can issue a levy (to seize your property) or lien (a legal claim against your property until you’ve paid your tax debt).
Does a state lien also affect my federal refund?
Yes. If you fail to pay state taxes, your state may seize both your state and federal refunds.
Who is allowed to garnish state tax refunds?
State and federal governments are allowed to garnish your refunds if you have unpaid debts. However, individual creditors are not.
Can the IRS take my state tax refund?
Yes. If you owe federal debts, the IRS can seize your state tax refund.
Can SS benefits be garnished for state taxes?
Yes, the IRS can put a levy on your Social Security benefits if you owe a tax debt.
Can a hospital seize my state refund?
No, but a hospital can take money from your wages if you owe medical bills.
Checking your state tax refund in every state